Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Exercise 3.3 Part I AND Part III

Exercise 3.3 Part I AND Part III

Q WHERE TO FIND THE HOMEWORK This homework assignment is located at the end of the respective reading assignment. HOMEWORK SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS This homework assignment is to be uploaded. You will need to complete the assignment using a word processor (preferably Microsoft Word) and upload it. You may also handwrite the assignment, scan and upload it. Please follow these guidelines when completing your homework. • Put your name and date in the upper right or left hand corner. • In the heading, label clearly the page number(s) and question range of the assignment (e.g., "p. 7-10: 1-20") • In the body, label clearly each question number. If necessary, label subparts of the question (e.g., (a), (b), (c)...) • You do NOT need to copy onto your answer sheet the question text from the book or worksheet. NOTE: Please submit by 11:59pm of the due date. PreviousNext

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Phil60 April 29, 2022 3.3 Part 1 & 3 Part 1 1. Hasty generalization (converse accident) 2. No fallacy 3. Appeal to ignorance 4. Slippery slope 5. Weak analogy 6. False cause 7. Appeal to ignorance 8. Appeal to unqualified authority (argumentum ad verecundiam) 9. Hasty generalization